Reach local Fine Diners based on the places they visit
Fine Diners
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About Fine Diners

Fine Diners appreciate all aspects of a great meal, from the food on the plate to the aesthetics of the setting and the quality of the service. They relish every opportunity to dine at a city’s best restaurants, frequenting the most well-known establishments as well as those that are celebrated only by those “in the know.”

Audience demographics
This type of advertising is targeted by behavior, not by age, gender, or income. However, your ads for this audience will not be delivered to consumers known to be under 18 years old.


This type of digital ad campaign targets consumers based on their behavior in the real world. GroundTruth uses proprietary technology to recognize the presence of cell phones at specifically mapped locations and then converts that data into anonymous targeting for digital advertising.Your banner ads will be delivered only to consumers who have actually visited one or more of the points of interest (POI) on the map below in the past 120 days

The GroundTruth ad-targeting process also reduces the likelihood of your ad being delivered to employees or suppliers who are frequently onsite at these locations or to people who are just passing by.

Where GroundTruth finds Fine Diners in Manhattan


Simply use the booking tool to select the market you'd like your ads to be delivered in, the number of times you'd like your ad to be shown (impressions), and when you'd like your campaign to run. Addy takes care of the rest.

"Do I need my ad ready today?"
Nope. You purchase your campaign today and then come back to upload your creative anytime before the Final Ad Due date. Don't worry – Addy won't let you forget!
"What are impressions?"
An impression is counted when your ad is shown to a consumer. You choose the number of impressions you want to buy and Addy will ensure they are delivered over the period of your campaign. We do our best to ensure even pacing of those impressions throughout each month, but it’s not always possible.

*Please note that there are a limited number of impressions available for these audiences at any given time, so some periods may appear as unavailable or “sold out” on the booking calendar.
"How will I see proof of performance?"
Once your campaign has started, you’ll have access to a dashboard with daily updates on the number of times your ad has been seen, how many people have clicked on it, plus demographic info on the audience your ad is reaching.

"Is online advertising right for my business?" Learn more here.


Your ad will appear on apps and websites across all devices – on mobile, tablet, and desktop. Your ads may begin to appear on devices as soon as four days after the consumer has visited one of the POIs.


Your campaign will include the most popular ad sizes for mobile and desktop display advertising.
Not sure how to create all these ads? Addy can help!


Interested in a GroundTruth campaign that’s tailored to your specific marketing needs? Your Addy Advisor can tell you all about the customization options available for larger volume campaigns.
Custom campaigns start at $2,500.


Need help creating a online ad?

Addy can create your ad for just $250, using design elements that you probably already have on hand. Learn more here.
Add Design Services to your cart at checkout and our design team will reach out to you to kick things off.


Click here to see the list of ZIPs in this market.


Advertise in
Food & Wine
with full-page ads
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Full pages
Art & Culture Lovers
based on places they visit
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1-month campaigns
Dedicated Diners
based on their online browsing behavior
Icon / Google
1-month campaigns
Cooking Enthusiasts
based on their online browsing behavior
Icon / Google
1-month campaigns